Welcome to BusReady Ambassador Training. Thank you for wanting to become a BusReady Ambassador!
This training equips you to be a confident and effective BusReady Ambassador, regardless of your prior experience with youth. You’ll learn how to engage and educate children, represent BC Transit, all program content and prepare for school visits. The training draws from real-life experiences to ensure you’re well-prepared for the program.
This course is expected to take 2.5 – 3 hours to complete in total. It has been broken up into three parts to help make this more manageable. You can either do three 1 hour segments, or complete the entire training start to finish, depending on how you work best.
Former Kids Ride The Bus Ambassadors, welcome back! BusReady is an enhanced version of the same program, with some new elements to learn during training. Please complete the entire training whether or not you have led the program before. You may learn something new!
After each lesson, you’ll take a mini-quiz that’s required but not graded. Do your best to absorb the information because it will help you when you’re out in the community and preparing for the final quiz at the end of the course.
The course ends with a final quiz that’s not meant to cause stress, but to review all the concepts covered and make sure you’ve absorbed the material. You need to score 70% to pass, but you can take the final quiz as many times as you need to pass. Once you have completed the course, an email will be sent to the BC Transit Youth Program Team. You will then be ready to be booked into schools to run the BusReady School Program in your area. Welcome to BusReady!
The creator of the training, Youth Outreach Trainer Taylor Watson, will be available via email to answer any questions or concerns you have. She can be reached at TAWatson@BCTransit.com