Book Your Transit Experience


Fill out the order sheet below with your business contact information only. Do not include any unnecessary/irrelevant personal information. Include all interested K-G7 classes at your school in your request for the program.

For the presentation, the school will provide parking space for the 40-foot accessible bus on the school grounds. The bus will remain stationary and will be a model for the children to practice their new passenger behaviour skills.

Please indicate your class requirements below.

BusReady Ambassador Order Form

"*" indicates required fields

These communities currently offer the transit ambassador program. More communities will be offered in future.

The ambassador will present to each class to ensure the students have the opportunity to engage in the presentation. This following information helps us plan the total booking time needed for the transit ambassadors. .

The BusReady Ambassador Program is available at different times in different regions. Please give a few different options that would work for you. The program is only available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. For Victoria, we are now booking into 2025.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Please note that we are only able to visit your school between 10am and 2pm at this time.
School Starts
School Ends
AM Recess Starts
AM Recess Ends
Lunch Starts
Lunch Ends
If your school has a day of the week that is shorter than the others, please indicate below.

Schools are invited to have all interested K-7 classes join the program. Each presentation lasts about 1 hour, including two parts: an in-class session and a bus tour. We need at least 3 classes to participate to book a bus, with a maximum of 18 classes per booking..

Approximately how many classes in total are interested in receiving the classroom presentation?
Approximately how many students in total will be receiving this presentation?
Please enter a number from 1 to 1000.

Please note the information collected on this page is only used for booking the BusReady ambassador program. This information is being collected by BC Transit under section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Should you have any questions about this collection, please contact:
Privacy Officer, BC Transit